All applications lodged online must be accompanied by the application fee and required attachments. Payments can be made by direct debit or credit card. This office accepts credit card payments from Visa card and MasterCard.
Lodgement of an application does not mean the application is granted. No advertising of a trade promotion lottery can commence until a trade promotion lottery licence number has been granted. Under the Lottery and Gaming Regulations 2008, the licence number and all other required information, must appear on all advertising. It is unlawful to include "Permit or Licence Pending" on advertising.
The "applicant's representative" on the application form will be contacted with the results of the assessment via their contact details.
Currently the online lodgement system only allows for applications for a new trade promotion lottery licence. To amend an existing trade promotion lottery licence, please contact Consumer and Business Services at to obtain an application form.
Applicants can access a sample terms and conditions document for guidance on required inclusions.
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