This search allows you to find one or more licensed premises that meet a specified search criteria.

Use the basic search to search for licensed premises containing specific words, phrases or numbers in any combination. Enter your word(s) or premises licence number in the search field and click the Search button.

For more search options, click the Advanced Search tab.

Note: This basic search may take longer to find search results than the advanced search. A maximum of 500 records will be returned.

You can view a list of upcoming large limited licence funtions.

You can also view a register of Authorised Interstate Betting Operators.

Licence Number
Type of Licence
Licence Status
Premises Name
Licensee Name
Premises Building/Complex
Premises Street
Premises Suburb
Premises State
Premises Postcode

If you want to narrow your search results by using advanced searching commands, then the following will help you:

Performing a search using premises names will also search licensed premises past names.

Word and Number Fields

Enter your search criteria in one or more of the fields provided. Either enter the information for a field in full
Use (*) or (%) keys at the beginning or end of a partial word/number to retrieve every occurrence containing that particular text. For example: *Club* will return search results for Clubhouse, nightclub and The Club.

The use of Boolean operators (and, or, not) and Minus and Plus signs (-, +) is not supported by this search

Type of Licence and Licence Status

The 'Type of Licence' field will allow you to search on licensed premises within a certain group e.g. hotel licences, restaurant licences. This field will allow you to search for licences with a status of current, applied for or 'all' (all includes suspended, surrendered and revoked licenses, refused and withdrawn applications or certificates granted.)

Note: Entering many fields in the advanced search may result in no records being returned. A maximum of 500 records will be returned.

This search enables you to confirm if a Responsible Person is still currently approved.

Enter the person's ID number, which can be found on their CBS issued Responsible Person badge, and click the Search button.

Note: You cannot search by a person's name and no personal information relating to a person's approval will be displayed.